Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hol-mogoly Cow - I'm a blog intervieweeeeee!

Kylie Griffin has me featured over on her blog today. Weird!

Welcome to everyone visiting via Kylie's invitation.

Further background info - I'm a thirty-nine-and-three-quarters mother of two and step-mother of one. My eldest daughter is Aspergers and she definitely gets it from me (I absolutely DO NOT think in a very neuro-typical way and my social skills can dip into the inept end of the scale).

My heroines tend to be fiesty (my husband would probably say this is from me too) and my hero's are tough with a touch of honesty and integrity - thank the heavens.

I love being a member of the Romance Writers of New Zealand where I've met wonderful people like Kylie who - wonders upon wonders - speak my language.

I'm a member of the C2C chapter (central north island) where we have a number of accomplished authors and newby writers. Everyone gets support to the level they require and the meetings are fun and typically lively - especially when we're talking the technicalities of sensual scenes.

Thank you, Kylie, for the interview spot - and I hope you all enjoy your visit.

1 comment:

  1. LOL on the Hol-mogoly Cow post heading, Tyree. And ain't it great to be in a room of people who speak your language - writers speak that is! And not long now until we all descend on Auckland to do just that! Can't wait. :-)
