What a great week!
Started off by receiving notification that I've finaled in the Chapters Short Story competition. Yee ha!
It included fantastic feedback from the judges which I used to tweek the manuscript before I sent it for the final judging. Now it's fingers and toes crossed.
Competitions are a fantastic resource for writers. Not only do they get you on the right desk if you final, but they provide invaluable critiques.
To bring me back to earth I've spent my first few days with the bulls - and I love it. I'm going to enjoy the new challenge. We went to the sales yards yesterday - cattle everywhere. It's a real social occasion for farmers, they come to town for the livestock auctions and a bit of a food shop - I could imagine a few romance stories here. A couple of characters jumped into my head straight away - crikey, what market would a bull farmer romance fit into - Harlequin Category?
I've managed 13,000 words this week, plus editing - the gladiator is taking shape.
Tyree - you're truly an inspiration - 13,000 words!