Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Holiday is almost over...

Wow - time is spinning past me as fast as my new clothes dryer (yes, I have sat down and watched a cycle of my fabulous new machine. Just in time for winter.)

The girls are back at school on Monday and I start day one of my new life...

Part-time Bull Farmer  /  Part-time Writer!!

Did I just say that out loud to a back yard full of chickens? You bet your dime-store romance I did. Sure, they didn't react much but their clucking is sending out very positive energy waves.

I've done the planning and the research and have a number of projects to get through over the next six months. New full paranormal - gladiators are in my head and they won't shuddup - and a re-work of one of my earlier shapeshifter novella's that I wrote with 'Nocturne Bites' in mind and now feel a full novel coming along. It's a favourite of mine. The first time I wrote edgier paranormal and didn't treat my heroine so nicely (thanks to my critique partner).

Further plans are to write two novella's a month - crafted towards e-publishers - as a way to keep the 'pingas' ticking over.

Exciting, exciting, exciting. Now, the only thing I need to do is limit my time on blogs/facebook/email and make damn sure I churn out at least 3000 words a day. Piece of easter cake, anyone?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

DH has read the manuscript

Yes, that's right, my darling, the man of my heart, has read the complete paranormal manuscript.

This is a man who prefers to ride a bike, hike a trail, dance competitively and generally keep our family functioning properly - rather than read a book.

And the feedback from this wonderful, super-sexy guy  - "it's actually good".

"Wow" you say!
"Wow" I agree with you!

This simple but straight-up comment is incredibly important to me because, as stated above, DH keeps our family functioning. Particularly when I'm locked in my closet writing and I don't realise it's time to eat, or time to sleep, or time to dance. He keeps me on track while my mind is lost in a whole other world...

and if he knows it's worth it, if he knows "it's actually good"...

then I don't feel so guilty about the "home" work my writing also means for him. We're in it together - the writing is a partnership - and he likes my story :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Location Location Location

Help! I have a dilemma - and I'm not sure what to do.

I've had feedback from two agents that my writing is great, but the book might be a difficult sell in the US market - because it's set in London. Now I'm not sure what to do, as I don't want to hound these agents with emails saying "I CAN CHANGE!" (I'd feel like a stalking girlfriend.)

I can happily swap the locations to New York and Canada (sans Scotland) - Cleopatra's needle has a sister in central park, New York City has an underground and large river. Canada can get just as cold as Scotland (very important) and I already have Hawaii as the hot spot (though it's not specifically named in book one of the series).

Do I make this change - does a sale hinge on it?

Do I contact the agents/editor who presently have the partial/full and let them know I'm happy to make the change if they feel it's required?

Or do I wait and see if they come back wanting to work with me first - then I find out if the change is needed?

RWNZ members I need your advice!